
two women became one bond
two languages became one sound
two countries became one home
two ages became one era


our journal

June 16:

For many women, a mastectomy is a life-changing experience. We conducted a survey to gain a deeper understanding of the needs and experiences after surgery.  The survey results were insightful and inspiring. We heard stories of strength, resilience, and a desire to reclaim confidence.

Click on the image below to read more.

eno survey results

May 28:

Post-mastectomy bras are one of the steps in the journey after breast cancer, which is about finding new strength and confidence. These bras help cancer survivors feel feminine and confident again….

Click on the image below to read more.

May 08: At Eno, our mission is to create bras and swimwear that caters to single-breasted women post-mastectomy unique needs and preferences. We would greatly appreciate your input through this short survey…..

Click on the image below to read more.

March 19: The Hidden Impact of Underwear & Swimwear – Have you ever stopped to think about the environmental impact of your underwear and swimwear? It’s a question most of us rarely consider….

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March 14: Spring into Confidence – Spring is in the air, bringing with it a sense of renewal and fresh beginnings. It’s a time to shed the winter layers and embrace the sunshine, both literally and figuratively…

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Feb 24: Embracing Empowerment – Hear Florence’s thoughts on her cancer journey. “Summer 2017 I’m diagnosed with IBC, Inflammatory Breast Cancer, it’s rare, it’s aggressive, it’s a little fuck*r…

Click on the image below to read more.